Women Libs - WPRR - Public Reality Radio

Women Libs - WPRR - Public Reality Radio

September 12, 2016

September 12, 2016

Bryn is taking some time off, so Darren and Raina were in the studio and a recuperating Mary called from home for the first three segments.  The crew talked about Hillary Clinton's health issues, Mary talked about her hysterectomy, conversation about periods, sex, and more, a Canadian judge tells a rape victim that ,"sex and pain sometimes go together," Brock Turner is released after serving three months in jail for rape, armed protestors stand outside Brock Turner's home in Dayton, the Standing Rock protests and an arrest warrant for Amy Goodman of Democracy Now!, a woman killed at a New York City festival for telling a guy not to grind on her, and boys from a California High School football team shows support for a cheerleader battling leukemia.