Women Over 70: Aging Reimagined

Women Over 70: Aging Reimagined

207 Eileen Joyce Donovan: Historical Research Unleashes a Writer’s Path

December 27, 2022

Eileen Joyce Donovan has  been a writer throughout her life. It was not until she had been an adult for many years that she began to pursue writing seriously. Until then, she never felt her stories were “good enough”.  It was her late husband who encouraged her to submit them for publication. 


At heart, Eileen adores historical research, especially on an idea that captures her imagination. She notes, “You have to be fascinated by the subject to do a good job on it”. This approach allowed her to almost publish her 1st book. She had the contract but the publisher did not bring it to fruition. The affirmation, however, gave her the impetus to keep moving forward. 


Eileen believes in joining, or starting your own writers’ groups. They elevate her writing when others read her drafts and offer feedback. And by reading others’ books and reviewing them she continues to hone her craft. She is now a successful author.


Previous books include Promises, winner of the 2019 Marie M Irvine Award for Literary Excellence. It will be reissued in September 2023. And, A Lady Newspaperman's Dilemma, about a young woman, Alex, who more than anything wants to be a journalist for a major metropolitan newspaper. A field dominated by men. Her newest book, The Campbell Sisters, is scheduled for a March 2023 release.




Email: Eileen Joyce Donovan7650@gmail.com




A Lady Newspaperman's Dilemma


The Campbell Sisters

