Women Over 70: Aging Reimagined

Women Over 70: Aging Reimagined

177 Jane Llewellyn: Cancer Survivor Innovates Nursing and Travels the World

May 31, 2022

At age 65, Jane Llewellyn (PHD, RN) decided to retire from her rewarding and demanding positions as Vice President of Nursing and as Associate Dean of the Nursing College at Rush University Medical Center. Why retire when she was on top of her game? Having survived aggressive breast cancer at age 43, with only a 20% chance to live beyond five years, Jane wanted to “experience more and enjoy life while I am able.” Thus began her new life as a world traveler--a temporary local--to exotic places in all seven continents. Jane says her favorite place is the next trip although she especially loved Antarctica and Africa. Jane’s continued involvement in health includes serving on the Board of a local hospital and on the Oak Park Action Team for End-of-Life Options Coalition--Compassion & Choices. She travels with and anticipates providing more care for her sister who has Alzheimer’s disease. Jane is writing her own extraordinary life story.

Life is short, take the trip, buy the shoes.

Contact Jane Llewellyn
