Women Over 70: Aging Reimagined

Women Over 70: Aging Reimagined

168 Agnes Loughlin: Creating More Connection and Joy in Our Lives

March 30, 2022

For Agnes Loughlin, a former nurse and nurse practitioner, the path to internal wellness begins with awareness. She emphasizes being aware of how we direct our attention and energy to our thoughts and emotions and encourages us to use these powerful tools to create our inner desires.  Agnes describes how her own feelings of loneliness and disconnection for many years were masked by busyness, until she had an awakening experience at age 64. 

Always curious, Agnes is devoted to exploring multiple dimensions of spirituality and healing. She is certified in five modalities and as a life coach. As founder of Miracles in Wellness, Agnes speaks and conducts retreats and coaches individuals and groups to create and explore their own joyous realities. 

 We create our own joy as we become more aware of feeling love, connection, and aliveness in our relationships. -Agnes Loughlin

Contact Information

Agnes Loughlin, Joy Facilitator

Cell 773-791-9590

Email: agnes@miraclesinwellness.com

Website: https://miraclesinwellness.com

Free gift--Meditation to Embrace More Love https://mailchi.mp/f99c1fcdc0ef/meditation