Women Over 70: Aging Reimagined

Women Over 70: Aging Reimagined

156 Martha Holstein: Own Your Own Age --In Memory of Martha Holstein

January 26, 2022

Martha Holstein passed away on November 24, 2021. We are releasing her episode to honor Martha's lasting contributions to women aging.

Dr. Holstein, a vocal advocate for women aging, speaks both to individuals and the larger politic. She urges women to own their age—if you are old, acknowledge it. Live by your norms, not those for people far younger: Intergenerational conversations are important. Dr. Holstein raises awareness of how differentials concerning race, class, religion, and sexual identity affect the problems we encounter and the choices available for how we age and live. Individual solutions are insufficient; political-systemic answers are needed to remedy ills around aging, especially aging women. If we don’t accept and respect our age, how will we identify those problems associated with being old and work toward resolving them?

The personal is political–ageism and social disparities inhibit women from making meaningful choices of how to live well while aging. – Martha Holstein, Ph.D.

Watch: Martha Holstein: Own Your Age

Contact Information:


Holstein, M. (2015). Women in Late Life: Critical Perspectives on Gender and Age. Rowman & Littlefield.

Connect with Gail and Catherine:

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Instagram: WomenOver70


Email: info@womenover70.com

Show: Women Over 70 – Aging Reimagined

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