Women Over 70: Aging Reimagined

Women Over 70: Aging Reimagined

150 Karen Bennett: Life Experiences as Gist for My Fiction Writing

December 22, 2021

Karen Bennett, from Baltimore MD, entered adulthood in the 1960s among

Beatniks and ‘starving’ artists. After leaving art studies and a first marriage, as a mother of three, Karen became a nurse practitioner working in correctional

institutions, including Riker’s Island, NYC jail. Her first fiction writing drew on

her experience with women’s prisons, where “the extraordinary soon becomes the ordinary.” Since 2006, Karen’s life adventures and misadventures have nourished her fiction writing about an array of other topics--travel, choir, horses, ballet. Karen’s quest is to publish as many of her books as possible, while she is still on the “moving sidewalk of life.”

Contact Information:

Email: karen.s.bennett@gmail.com

Website: https://www.karensbennett.com


Beautiful Horseflesh (2021). Apprentice House Press.

The Farewell Tour (2019). Available on Amazon.