Women Over 70: Aging Reimagined

Women Over 70: Aging Reimagined

053 - Pat Honiotes: Equal Part Irreverent Rascal & Kick-Butt Coach

June 03, 2020

Equal Part Irreverent Rascal & Kick-Butt Coach


“I’m going to keep moving on until I can’t move on anymore.” - Pat Honiotes


A voice for the voiceless, Pat’s life-long career has focused on finding tools she can use to support the voiceless until they gain a voice of their own - children in special education, people with disabilities, the behaviorally disordered and more. From teacher to counselor to Medical Hypnoanalyst, Pat dedicated herself to her work.

Today, Pat’s clients come through the door of business. She is the creator of Straight Talk Videos, the 80-hour Work Week Cure and author of The Practical Guide to Figuring Yourself Out - How to go from Stuck to Star of Your Life.

Take aways:

  • It’s never too late to take risks for your dreams

  • The message inside you needs visibility in the world

  • Age specific communities are not for everyone

Connect with Pat Honiotes:

Email: pat@pathoniotes.com

Website: https://www.pathoniotes.com/

Program: The 80-hour Work Week Cure

Book: The Practical Guide to Figuring Yourself Out - How to go from Stuck to Star of Your Life.

Connect with Gail & Catherine:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Wo70AgingReimagined/

Website: https://womenover70.com

Email: info@womenover70.com

Podcast: Women Over 70 – Aging Reimagined

Twitter: @womenover70

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/womenover70/
