Women Over 70: Aging Reimagined

Women Over 70: Aging Reimagined

007 Carolyn Torkelson: Women Seek Integrative Health Care

July 24, 2019

During her years as an integrative health physician specializing in older women, Carolyn saw the benefits of integrating alternative and conventional practices. She advocates a learning partnership with health care providers to obtain optimal care.

Key Takeaways:

  • Life doesn't need to slow down in your 60's, 70's and 80s as women look to stay healthy and active in all ways for years to come.
  • Now there are many more opportunities to work with practitioners who address your desire for a more holistic approach, both inside and outside the traditional health care system.
  • Be a learning partner in your own health care and take a more proactive role in getting the care you want and need.

"As a practitioner, I want to understand how my female patient learns so I can tailor what I say to her way of knowing. If I don’t connect with her as a learner and active participant in her own health care, she's probably not going to make necessary shifts.” Carolyn Torkelson, MD.

Connect with Carolyn Torkelson:

Profile: https://familymedicine.umn.edu/bio/familymed/carolyn-torkelson

Connect with Gail & Catherine:

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Wo70AgingReimagined

Twitter: @womenover70

Instagram: WomenOver70


Email: info@womenover70.com

Show: Women Over 70 – Aging Reimagined

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