Women Over 70: Aging Reimagined

314 Barbara Thompson: Moving Through Real Estate Market Complexities
Barbara Thompson is passionate about working with seniors. She holds a Senior Real Estate Specialist (SRES) certification. When her life turned out differently from what she expected, she learned to rely on friendships to fill a gap. That brought her to the understanding of how important it is to listen to each person involved in the moving process. Moving is a challenging time for families, no matter their ages. Barbara says, “Life works best and moves gracefully when plans are formed and decisions are made. Then when the time comes to implement the changes, everyone knows exactly what to expect. No stress, just love and support.
Barbara is a support system for everyone involved. When needed she brings in resources to handle all aspects of the move, including for financial and legal matters. She has seen the beauty and the sadness of it. When people can open up and work together it elevates the process to one of beauty.
Email: Barbara@TheShenfieldGroup.com
Phone: 312-952-2052
Realty Affiliation: The Schenfeld Group LLC Jameson Sotheby International Realty