Women Over 70: Aging Reimagined

Women Over 70: Aging Reimagined

253 Taru Fisher: Helping Women Transform Aging

November 14, 2023

Taru Fisher coaches women to make aging fearless, fulfilling, and fun. She encourages women to fully respect their own aging process and be vibrantly visible. Taru is a certified NLP Health Practitioner and NLP Coach specializing in aging. She also is a Healer Certified Medical Cannabis Wellness Advisor and a provider of Health and Wellness Coaching and Medical Cannabis Education. Taru’s coaching practice is called Seasons of Life Coaching. She writes a blog and newsletter, teaches workshops online, and is writing her autobiography. Taru describes herself as “an irreverent, wise Elderwoman with a quirky sense of humor.” 

Connect with Taru

Email: taru@tarufisher.com

Website: www.tarufisher.com

Newsletter: http://bit.ly/3XeX6lK

Call-a-Crone: http://bit.ly/3GEKV1h for a free 45-minute virtual session 

Facebook: https/www.facebook.com/seasons.of.life.coaching

