Women Over 70: Aging Reimagined

Women Over 70: Aging Reimagined

251 Sara Gilfert: Hand Paper-Making Artist Makes Waves in Her Community

October 31, 2023

Sara Gilfert, 94, lives in Ohio. She comes from a family that was populated with teachers and preachers. While she began her college education in journalism, a chance workshop on fiber art caused her to change her major and she became a fiber artist and teacher. Since 2003, she has owned her own hand-paper-making studio, exclusively harvesting the white fiber from the inner bark of the mulberry tree to create art. 

Loss of vision and hearing has affected Sara’s ability to continue with her art. Her daughter, Susan, a librarian, encouraged her mother to join a writing group. She focuses on her own life and writes about her personal experiences. During one session she wrote about her aging cat.

Previously active in community affairs, Sara continues to attend meetings when possible. Her words to younger listeners of this podcast are, “just keep moving”. She studies Pilates with an instructor 3x/week. Surrounded by family she feels supported and involved in life.

“As we age, it’s important to just keep moving.”
