Women Over 70: Aging Reimagined

Women Over 70: Aging Reimagined

237 Dian Greenwood: Helping Women Discover Their Agency

July 25, 2023

As a therapist and writer, I support women who struggle with real problems to bolster their agency. - Dian Greenwood

Growing up in the basement of the courthouse adjoined to the jail in South Dakota, Dian developed an affinity for people who struggle against the odds. As a therapist, Dian has specialized in alcohol abuse and, currently, focuses on difficulties faced by women over 60. These experiences, among many, are gist for Dian’s successes as a writer who knows how to “take risks with my characters. They are not always likeable, but they are real.” Dian’s debut novel, About the Carlton Sisters (2023), will be joined by three new books in progress—stories of immigrants and of women’s friendships.

Connect with Dian:

Email: greenwooddian@gmail.com

Website: www.Diangreenwood.com

About the Carlton Sisters (2023/spring, She Writes Press)

