Women Over 70: Aging Reimagined

Women Over 70: Aging Reimagined

234 Noelle Nelson: What You Think You Know About Aging is Wrong

July 04, 2023

Author of more than a dozen books, Noelle has appeared on national and international radio and television, been interviewed, quoted or written about in dozens of publications and has spoken on the subject of appreciation before audiences in the U.S., Canada, England, The Netherlands and Australia.

Noelle did not come into her own until she was in her mid-thirties. Life growing up was difficult. She says she was a pessimist and reached out for help from therapists, read books and worked hard to gain confidence in herself. Today she is on the go all the time. “My life feels like a wonderful, full life. Competitive sports have helped to build my confidence,” she says. Competing as a ballroom dancer (and, yes, starting at age 70 and winning), has been a great confidence booster for her. “Physical activity is important at every age - don’t stop, adapt to the level you are supposed to work at.”

"Happiness is a result. Curiosity means you are learning and learning brings joy. "



Contact: Noelle@noellenelson.com 

Newsletter, "A Note From Dr. Noelle Nelson," 

Podcast: Up! Uplifting, Inspiring, Practical - provides skills to use appreciation's powerful energy to improve our lives.

Facebook: stories about older people who are leading rewarding and fulfilling lives on Meet The Amazings 


The Longevity Secret: How to Live Happy, Healthy & Vibrant into Your 70s, 80s, 90s and Beyond

Phoenix Rising: Surviving Catastrophic Loss: Fires, Floods, Hurricanes and Tornadoes

The Power of Appreciation - The Key to A Vibrant Life