Women Wanting Women

Women Wanting Women

Jealousy, Envy and Insecurity in Lesbian Dating, with Ali Hendry

February 18, 2023

Ali Hendry wants to teach you how to love more and fear less in the face of jealousy.

Ali Hendry is a certified holistic relationship coach for queer women, and on this episode of Women Wanting

Women we dive deep into her favorite tools for helping women create the life they want.

Have you ever been jealous in a relationship before?

Ali Hendry is passionate about helping women unpack jealousy and reform it in a helpful, healthy way.

She’s done so much work around jealousy that she even gave a TED talk about it.

Don’t miss this episode!

During the interview Ali Hendry and I discuss:

  • What jealousy is and who it involves…
  • How to distinguish between jealousy and envy…
  • Why oftentimes what we label as jealousy is actually something else…
  • Why jealousy doesn’t always correlate with insecurity…
  • How jealousy can be used to bring you closer with your partner…
  • How cognitive distortions and confirmation biases impact our relationships…
  • How to use journaling to uncover and heal your negative patterns…
  • Questions you can ask yourself and your partner to create a more secure attachment with them…AND
  • How to tell the difference between boundaries, agreements and rules…

And guess what: If you enjoy this episode and you want to hear Ali Hendry be the one to interview me, then you can also check out this Instagram Live we did together on here.

And here’s a link to the book Ali recommended: