Womb Evolution Podcast: Revolutionary Womb Healing Information for Black Women

Womb Evolution Podcast: Revolutionary Womb Healing Information for Black Women

3 Reasons Shifting to Divine Femininity Ain't Easy! Part One

March 01, 2023

This is episode 11 of the new WTF (Womb Trauma Femininity) Healing Series. In this episode High Priestess, Maat em Maakheru Amen discusses, reason 1 why shifting to Divine Femininity may be difficult. She encourages us to take a deep dive into shifting the paradigm of what we think of a a Supreme Being...can SHE be female?

She discusses how accessing the evolutionary tools available through the Womb Evolution Technique (WET) are important in helping us break the old cycle of thinking.

Find out more about the Womb Evolution Technique here and sign up for a self study

Use WET30 for a discount on the Self Study.