

An Identity Crisis & My Life Offline

May 26, 2021

Hi beautiful lady,

This is episode 15. A solo episode with Jody.

I have resisted doing solo episodes since the podcast’s inception, even after many requests - but here we finally are. What I have mostly known of a solo podcast episode is usually laced in some kind of teaching. An opportunity for me share my expertise and while with the right person I too gobble that up – the thing is – I don’t see myself as an expect.

And I have no desire to be.

Nothing fizzles out my creativity more than giving you ten steps to anything.

So, I am not a teacher.

Or an expert on anything, in particular really.

What I am is wise woman.

A creative woman.

A woman fully in her life.

I see the world through my own unique lens, and I often fumble in finding ways to express all that dwells and excites within me.

But alongside all of this - what I know I am – is a storyteller. I love using words to engulf you, transport you and allow you to immerse into an experience – one of my making – through my thoughts, and insights and stories.

I love the way stories make you feel less alone.

And the feeling of lingering on the edge of your seat as beautifully curated and posed words create worlds for another to momentarily exist within.

Storytelling is my art form.

It is the way - I teach.

Through my lived experience, my humanness and the parts of me that run as deep as the ocean.

So, to create a solo episode for you – it has to feel like art to me – different to what you may commonly know as a standard podcast. It is an opportunity, a moment to capture all that swells within me and to share it with you – poetically, thoughtfully, and perfectly curated in equal parts for you to feel, see and recognize yourself within my stories.

During the interviews on this show, you get the wild and in the moment Jody. The raucous laughing, on the fly thoughts and a beautifully unscripted version of me and my guests. I do not plan the chats, prep the guests or aim for any particular outcome – it is simply magic that exists only that moment.

But here in these solo episodes I am going to sit and take my time to share with you in a different way.

I am going to curate the mundane and the exquisite moments of my life into stories. An expression for the tentacles of life to take form within.

My hope is they will be beautiful, soothing, insightful and the perfect balm for your sweet soul.

So, shall we begin?


A few weeks back now I took a trip to Melbourne. Alone. And this is the story of what I discovered.