Woman Gone Wild with Yanique Bell

Woman Gone Wild with Yanique Bell

What does a “normal” pussy look like? – 021

March 03, 2020

I’m feeling super vulnerable today. I have my velour hoodie on, hood up. I just created the graphics for this episode in my reading chair, shoulders curled and curving in, as if to protect my heart… Needless to say, I’m feeling a bit tender. Maybe it’s because my work is becoming more visible and gaining more attention. Or, because more people in my life are aware that I’m the Pussy Queen… hehe. Perhaps, it’s just because so much is changing and there are palpable shifts in the air. And maybe it’s just because of this episode, where I’m finally answering: “What does a normal vulva look like”?

What does a “normal” vulva look like?

There is something so tender about this question. Because I know that if you’ve ever searched this on Google, you were alone and thinking, “do I look ok?” And on a much deeper level, you were asking: “Will I be loved?”

Will my partners embrace my pussy or cringe and recoil? Would they refuse to have a taste, based on what she looks like? Maybe, I could just keep the lights off… but what if they ask? I could always say it’s because of my weight…

This question hits a chord in me, because it’s not about what our body really looks like in the end. It’s about our own belief in our worthiness of love. Body positivity without real self-compassion is like putting a band-aid on a festering sore. There’s no way out of doing the deeper work to fall madly in love with yourself.

When I work with clients, no matter how down they feel or how unworthy they think they are, I look at them and all I can see is their immense power. And if I do my job, by the end of our time together, they see it too.

It was no surprise to me that when I led two women, on separate occasions, through a meditation to hear their Pussy’s voice last year, where I had them ask her for a message, both their Pussies had the same exact thing to say: You’re powerful.

Learning to love our bodies, our beautiful shells, can become a gateway for deeper self-love.

Inside the Podcast: A Bonus Practice

In this episode, I’ll not only share what a normal vulva looks like, but I’ve also included a bonus practice – “Getting to know your Pussy.” This practice is the Day 1 practice, from the 7 Day Pussy Love Challenge.

In this practice, I’ll give you a tour of your pussy, sharing facts about what is the “normal” features of each part of your vulva.

(The challenge ended on Sunday, but will be doing it again in a few short weeks. I’ll leave the link below for you to join the waitlist.)

What You’ll Learn…

* What a “normal” pussy looks like* My experience at the plastic surgeon’s office, watching two labiaplasties* How to detect abnormalcies* Why our silence around Pussy creates unnecessary suffering* Andd… a bonus practice: “Getting to Know Your Pussy” – where I give you a tour of your vulva, all her parts, and what they “should” look like

A story from my visit to the Plastic Surgeon…

Links Mentioned in Podcast

[If you’re listening on a podcast player – see the full blog post to access all the links]