Warp Lords Podcast

Warp Lords Podcast

WLP Tries Fate RPG: Neon Realms: Episode 10: "The Sweet Gumdrops, Oh, They Sing to Me"

December 25, 2024

As we approach the end of this season, the gang makes their way through the wastes in search of the coordinates they were given. There may be a slight concussion along the way.

We release new episodes every Wednesday morning!

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Warp Lords is a product of Bandit Gang Entertainment, and the game is used with their permission.

Buy the game, take the ride!

Buy/Download Warp Lords Here


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GM (Fate Core by Evil Hat Productions): Jared Cryan

Hugo Boss: Mike Danger Vautour

Grudge: Devin Malinowski

Jeff Bez-OS: Graham Banas

Music: Jared Cryan

Editing: Jared Cryan

Art: Mike "Danger" Vautour

If you like what you heard, then please spread the word.

Any characters, items, animals, blob monsters, trees, instruments, bad voices, manic lawyers, power tools, pocket pickles or shitty jokes that bear resemblance to another intellectual property or otherwise non-original content are used in parody or satire or other harmless ways and are in no way related to or a depiction of another subject in or around reality. This is a silly podcast with silly people, and is not intended to be taken seriously by anyone in any way.