Tales of American History

Tales of American History

Latest Episodes

PODCAST 114: “The Coming of the American Revolution”
March 18, 2021

Listen while Kent Masterson Brown is interviewed about the latest WHEF project, "The shot heard 'round the world: The Coming of the Revolution, Colonial America to 1775."

PODCAST 113: “Growing up with Lincoln”
February 26, 2021

Listen while Kent Masterson Brown and his guest Jon Park discuss Jon's boyhood growing up in Springfield, Illinois, in the shadow of Abraham Lincoln, and why a life imbued with history brings meaning and depth to the human experience.

Podcast Episode 112 – Kent Masterson Brown Interviews Acting Chief of Interpretation, Steve Phan, Camp Nelson, Kentucky
February 17, 2021

Listen as Kent interviews Steve Phan, Acting Chief Interpreter for Camp Nelson, Nicholasville, Kentucky.  Steve come to us from the National Park Services Defenses of Washington, and WHEF is thrilled to welcome him to Kentucky and to herald the work go...

PODCAST 112 – Kent Masterson Brown Interviews Acting Chief of Interpretation, Steve Phan, Camp Nelson, Kentucky
February 17, 2021

Listen as Kent interviews Steve Phan, Acting Chief Interpreter for Camp Nelson, Nicholasville, Kentucky. Steve come to us from the National Park Services Defenses of Washington, and WHEF is thrilled

Podcast 112 Interview with Steve Phan, Acting Chief Interpreter, Camp Nelson, Kentucky
February 13, 2021

Listen as Kent Brown interviews Steve Phan, Acting Chief Interpreter for the National Park Service's National Monument at Camp Nelson, Kentucky.  They discuss the importance of Camp Nelson, why it was founded,

PODCAST 111: The Union Army of the Potomac Before Gettysburg
February 04, 2021

Listen to Kent Masterson Brown describe the plight of the Union Army for the twenty-one months before the Battle of Gettysburg, and give you a sneak peek of one of the themes from his new book, "Meade at Gettysburg: A Study in Command,

January 29, 2020

Dr. Amy Murrell Taylor discusses with Kent Masterson Brown the fascinating stories of the legal ambiguities surrounding slaves during the Civil War, especially in Union-occupied Central Kentucky. Dr.

Interview with Dr. Christopher Phillips
December 20, 2019

Dr. Christopher Phillips is the John and Dorothy Hermanies Professor of American History and the University Distinguished Research Professor in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences at the University of Cincinnati.

Interview with Wayne Motts, CEO of the National Civil War Museum
December 20, 2019

Kent talks with Wayne Motts, Chief Executive Officer of the National Civil War Museum in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.  Wayne will talk about the museum and its vast collection of remarkable artifacts from all theatres of the American Civil War.

Kent talks with Ron Maxwell about his lifelong interest in American history.
October 02, 2019

Kent Masterson Brown talks with Ronald F. Maxwell, one of America’s most noted independent film writers and directors.  Along with The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia and Parent Trap, Ron is best known for the films  Gettysburg,