Wisdom Radio

Somatics & Life Balance
A lot of people turn to Somatic practices for healing, living life in balance, and discovering their authentic self. Join me as we learn together with Somatics teacher, Kathryn Kimball from Berkeley, California. Somatics has actually been evolving over a long time and its approaches are used in a number of fields—including psychology, movement, dance, and bodywork. The field has been influenced by many other practices, both Eastern and Western — but what they all have in common is they use your internal awareness to bring unknown parts of yourself and your experience into the known. Somatic learning makes the unconscious conscious, and in the process leaves you with more options for moving, acting, thinking, and living.
Here are some of the resources mentioned during the conversation.
Daniel Siegel's book, Aware
Awakening the Spine, by Vanda Scaravelli
Guided Mindfulness Meditation, with Jon Kabot Zinn
Helps people tapp into creativity, Michael Gelb