The WIN-WIN Effect

The WIN-WIN Effect


May 25, 2021

In Episode 103 of The Win-Win Effect™ Show, Chris Ross and the Host of the wildly popular Facebook LIVE show #RiseAndGrind and creator of Breakfast with Champions Club on Clubhouse, Glenn Lundy.


Perhaps you may have seen this Husband to 1 and Father to 8 at places like Hustle and Grind Con, Grow Your Business For God's Sake and many more stages across the country.

Glenn has been spotlighted on ABC, NBC, and CBS and is an expert in dealership culture development and leadership training. With 20 years of experience in the automotive industry, Glenn led a dealership from 120 cars a month to an 800% increase in sales in five years, becoming the 2nd largest used car franchise in the country.

His unique style makes him one of the most coveted GMs in the business. Glenn has the unique ability to help identify the areas for growth and an uncanny ability to teach creative ways to invoke any dealership's spirit. With a background in sales and finance, he uses his skill sets to create growth and tap into human development's mental side.

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The WIN-WIN Effect

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