Winning Through Culture

Winning Through Culture

Integrating Passion and Purpose into the Workplace

January 25, 2023

In this episode of Winning Through Culture, Tim and Amanda discuss the distinction between passion and purpose — and how to find or build that purpose in work. It all starts with the theory of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Tim and Amanda focus on the importance of aligning one’s talents with their passion and purpose. From there they offer advice for those looking to build their purpose. In this Winning Through Culture conversation on integrating passion and purpose into the workplace, they also discuss how a leader should empower those around them: a leader should intentionally form their culture, allow people to explore and foster their passions, and create an open dialogue to allow employees to find their purpose.

  • The question ultimately for purpose is what you are uniquely gifted to do:
    • What are you good at?
    • Is it something you really enjoy?
    • Is that something that the world sees value in? Can you create and transmit that value to other people; and be compensated for that?

  • An entrepreneur has to recognize that everybody in an organization:
    • Has unique gifts
    • Has passions and interests
    • Is here for a purpose

  • Related episodes to “Integrating Passion and Purpose into the Workplace”: A Lifetime of Passion and Purpose with Marcus WatsonBuilding a Culture for a Greater Purpose with Tony Tennaro


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In today’s ever-changing world, it is more important than ever for an entrepreneur to stay impactful and relevant.

That’s where Winning Through Culture comes in! This podcast will let you inside the dynamic minds of Tim Flanagan and Amanda Kramer to give you expertise, insight, and tips so that you can remain impactful and relevant.

With Tim and Amanda’s experience and desire to plant knowledge in the business leaders around them, we hope you will take this podcast into your everyday life as an upcoming entrepreneur.

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