The God Learners

The God Learners

Latest Episodes

Wind Words 5: Cattle Raid!
July 04, 2020

In this fifth episode of Wind Words, we come back to Sartar to look at every Heortling’s favourite past time: cattle raiding. Why do they like cattle so much around here that they need to...

Episode 4: A Guided Visit of Glamour
June 01, 2020

As our team of intrepid explorers enters the capital of the Lunar Empire, we are joined by a team of professional historians.. Sit back, get a snack and something to drink, this may take a...

Wind Words 4: A Guided Visit of Glamour
June 01, 2020

As our team of intrepid explorers enters the capital of the Lunar Empire, we are joined by a team of professional historians.. Sit back, get a snack and something to drink, this may take a...

Episode 3: The Travels of Biturian Varosh (Part 1)
April 25, 2020

For our third episode of Wind Words, we decided to have a look at the narrative in Cults of Prax. But before that comes our regular look at the news and rumors. The Herald’s Podium...

Wind Words 3: The Travels of Biturian Varosh (Part 1)
April 25, 2020

For our third episode of Wind Words, we decided to have a look at the narrative in Cults of Prax. But before that comes our regular look at the news and rumors. The Herald’s Podium...

Episode 2: Scenes from a Market (Pavis Edition)
March 25, 2020

Here’s our second episode of Wind Words, where we look at scenes in the Founders Market of Pavis. We hope our audio quality has improved somewhat, but we’re still learning and Bill has a terrible...

Wind Words 2: Scenes from a Market (Pavis Edition)
March 25, 2020

Here’s our second episode of Wind Words, where we look at scenes in the Founders Market of Pavis. We hope our audio quality has improved somewhat, but we’re still learning and Bill has a terrible...

Episode 1: Introducing your players to Glorantha
February 26, 2020

The inaugural episode of Wind Words! We apologize for the audio quality: bear with us as we learn how to edit and mix recorded voices. Introduction Why are we entering the adventurous world of podcasting?...

Wind Words 1: Introducing your players to Glorantha
February 25, 2020

The inaugural episode of Wind Words! We apologize for the audio quality: bear with us as we learn how to edit and mix recorded voices. Introduction Why are we entering the adventurous world of podcasting?...
