The God Learners

The God Learners

Latest Episodes

Episode 8: The Early Days of Glorantha (Part 1)
January 30, 2022

We are joined on this trip down memory lane by Doc Cowie, Doc sums up his credits as “40 years RuneQuest player, published one scenario”. Ludo also gets Doc to talk about his custom-made bronze...

Glorantha Initiation: Erin, SCA, Runemasters, and Old Fandoms
January 19, 2022

For our third episode of our Initiation Series, we interview Erin McGuire, who was only supposed to play RuneQuest for one night, but hasn’t stopped for the past couple years, and is now possibly an..

Episode 7: Adventures in Jonstown
January 07, 2022

Ludo and Jörg are joined by Diana Probst, aka Berra from Beer With Teeth, bravely entering a realm of unreal time before sunrise. News Episode 2 of our Initiation to Glorantha series was released, and

Glorantha Initiation: Russano, Eurmali Goblins, and Inspiration
December 16, 2021

On this second episode of the Glorantha Initiation Series, we interview Russano Greenstripe. Russsano discovered Glorantha with King of Dragon Pass, a game by A-Sharp, available on pretty much any pla

Episode 6: Gamemastering RuneQuest
December 01, 2021

This topic was actually suggested to us by our guests Jon Webb and Neil Gibson. Jon Webb is the initiator and an author of the four volumes of the Sandheart series, following the challenges of...

Glorantha Initiation: Ludovic
November 20, 2021

This is the inaugural episode of the Glorantha Initiation series, where we talk to members of the tribe who recently joined the God Learner studies. The God Learner Podcast wants to investigate how pe

Episode 5: The Travels of Biturian Varosh (Part 3)
November 07, 2021

Our guest for this episode is Drew Baker, author of a series of products on the Jonstown Compendium, including the QAD (Quick and Dirty) series (available as the omnibus edition “Pimper’s Block“), the

Episode 4: Writing Adventures in Glorantha
October 05, 2021

This episode’s guests are Beer with Teeth, at time in character: Erin (aka Varanis, a noble of Sartar lineage) Dom (aka Rajar, a huge Storm Bull axe fighter) Diana (aka Berra, a tiny Humakti warrior).

Episode 3: Passions in RuneQuest
September 03, 2021

Our guest this (long!) episode is David Scott, who wears a number of Chaosium hats – among others convention presence, rules Q&A, and the web archives. David talks about his work on the Well of...

Episode 2: On the Road
July 31, 2021

Returning to our tower for our second episode of the God Learners Podcast, we meet Austin Conrad, the author and publisher of the Myth of the Month on Jonstown Compendium aka Akhelas or Crel. We...
