Exploring Tolkien

Exploring Tolkien

An Interview with Billy Boyd (Pippin) and Dominic Monaghan (Merry) – 2003 Roundtable Interviews

May 28, 2024

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Here’s one more episode in our series of interviews from the December 2, 2003 roundtable discussions (check them all out at https://www.theonering.com/interviews-with-the-cast-and-crew-of-lord-of-the-rings).

In addition to the interview we discuss the upcoming film “Fellowship: Tolkien and Lewis” now in production at Angel Studios. This time we sat with Pippin and Merry, and found out:

  • What their relationship was like wth Peter Jackson
  • What did it take to get through all those years of moviemaking?
  • Where is THEIR shire?