Exploring Tolkien

Exploring Tolkien

Removing Radagast and Hobbit Thieves : Film Changes #27 and #28

January 16, 2024

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These are our last 2 changes for awhile — listen to hear what we’ll be reading next!

  • Radagast is completely excised from the film… which might just have been a good decision
  • Merry and Pippin become common veggie thieves that just happen to run into Frodo and Sam in a cornfield. Lucky coincidence.

In our extended episode (available for our members — https://theonering.com/members) we talk more about these changes, and also:

  • Questions from our members about Farmer Maggot and Mushrooms.
  • Farmer Maggot — the John Wick of Middle-earth
  • Generating action hero maggot with AI art…. check out these images!