Exploring Tolkien

Exploring Tolkien

Bilbo’s Party Changes and 17 Years Lost : Film Changes #23 and #24

December 28, 2023

We’re going over 2 more changes to The Fellowship of the Ring this week!

  1. Is Bilbo’s party true to how Tolkien wrote it? If it isn’t.. did Jackson change it for the better?
  2. Peter Jackson dropped nearly all 17 years from the time of Bilbo’s party to the start of Frodo’s journey. Isn’t that a lot to change? Or maybe–just maybe–this is actually true to the book?

In our extended episode (available for our members — https://theonering.com/members) we talk more about these changes, and also:

  • If those 17 years would’ve been part of the film, what would have taken place, and how would it have been scripted?