Exploring Tolkien

Exploring Tolkien

Gandalf’s a Headbanger and Frodo’s Unexpected Introduction

December 12, 2023

We’re going over 2 more changes to The Fellowship of the Ring this week!

  1. The theatrical edition of The Fellowship of the Ring started with Frodo and Gandalf’s relationship, even though the book didn’t establish any of that until AFTER Bilbo’s party. Was this good for the film?
  2. When Gandalf enters Bag End, it’s as though he’s never been there before–knocking his head on the chandelier and banging it into the doorjamb.  Is this actually in Gandalf’s character?

In our extended episode (available for our members — https://theonering.com/members) we talk more about the these changes, including:

  • Should Peter Jackson have added more Hobbiton characters earlier in the film?
  • Did we miss out by not having Dwarves with carts delivering party goods?
  • How missing out on making Bilbo’s party MASSIVE would have made for better comedy.