Exploring Tolkien

Exploring Tolkien

Is Star Wars a Fairy Story? – On Fairy Stories, Part 1

July 04, 2023

This week, Michael, Dan, and I discuss the first part of Tolkien’s seminal essay “On Fairy Stories”, where Tolkien defines what a fairy (aka fantasy) story is.

Why is this important? Well, the “fairy tale” in Tolkien’s era was relegated to simple children’s fiction, something adults grew out of along with their innocence and naiveté. But to Tolkien, these stories that take place in the land of Faërie contain more beauty and truths than any tale set in modern day environs.

In this essay Tolkien defines these stories by what they have, and what they are not, not precisely by what they ARE. And we even jump into whether Star Wars or Star Trek might match Tolkien’s definition!

Then, join us in our extended episode (https://theonering.com/members) where we:

  • Discuss what our favorite fairy story is (other than LOTR)
  • Try and figure out what the best fairy story of the last 2 decades is (or if there even IS one!)