Willow Avenue church of Christ
Latest Episodes
12-8-2024 - Overcoming Obstacles - Defeating Doubt
Join us as Michael Grooms delivers a lesson from his series on overcoming obstacles. Lesson title: Overcoming Obstacles - Defeating Doubt.
12-8-2024 - God's Attempt to Kill Moses
Join us as Dan Huffines leads Bible class on the topic, "God's Attempt to Kill Moses."
12-8-2024 - Overcoming Obstacles - Winning the Battle with Loneliness
Join us as Michael Grooms delivers a lesson from his series on overcoming obstacles. Lesson title: Overcoming Obstacles - Winning the Battle with Loneliness.
12-4-2024 - 1 Timothy (Week 1)
Join us as Michael Grooms leads Bible class from 1 Timothy.
12-1-2024 - Overcoming Obstacles - Discouragement
Join us as Michael Grooms delivers a lesson from his series on overcoming obstacles. Lesson title: Overcoming Obstacles - Discouragement.
12-1-2024 - Hardening Pharaoh's Heart
Join us as Dan Huffines leads Bible class on the topic, "Hardening Pharaoh's Heart."
12-1-2024 - Give Thanks
Join us as Michael Grooms delivers his lesson titled, "Give Thanks."
11-26-2024 - 1 Timothy (Introduction)
Join us as Michael Grooms lead Bible study from the book of 1 Timothy.
11-24-2024 - Faith is the Victory
Join us as Joshua Grooms delivers his lesson titled, "Faith is the Victory."
11-24-2024 - Moses' Excuses
Join us as Dan Huffines delivers Bible class on the topic, "Moses' Excuses."