Wildlife Trade Symposium: Evolving Perspectives on the demand for illegal wildlife products

Wildlife Trade Symposium: Evolving Perspectives on the demand for illegal wildlife products

Latest Episodes

Catalysing social and behavior change: Steven Broad
November 27, 2017

Steven Broad Executive Director, TRAFFIC, gives a talk for the symposium on creating and catalysing social and behavioural change.

Theme 1: Diverse approaches to illegal wildlife trade research: Kelly Malsch
November 27, 2017

Kelly Malsch, Head of Species Programme at UNEP-WCMC introduces herself as the moderator for the first theme of the day, Diverse approaches to illegal wildlife trade research, as well as the speakers who will present.

Welcome and opening remarks and Introduction to Open Space
November 27, 2017

E.J. Milner-Gulland, Co-Director of Oxford Martin Programme on the Illegal Wildlife Trade welcomes delegates to the programme’s first symposium, co-hosted by San Diego Zoo Global and TRAFFIC.