Wildfood from the Rangelands

Wildfood from the Rangelands

Latest Episodes

Wildfood from the Rangelands – Episode 21 – The Medical Model
October 16, 2018

The following podcast was written in discussion with my friend N, some months before she died.  I have tried to be true to her words and experience. I present it with love and gratitude for the time we shared. ‘Life has no opposite.

Wildfood from the Rangelands – Episode 20 -Love Your Soil and It Will Love You Back
October 08, 2018

When too much soil biology is not enough! More of the good news about fungi and some great information from soil biologist, Dr Christine Jones with some down-to-earth words from Vasse’s own compost and worm king, Brent Burns from Landsave Organics.

Wildfood from the Rangelands – Episode 19 – Ron Watkins, Legend of the the Great Southern
October 08, 2018

Ron Watkins is the Australian national hero you have never heard of – he is a prophet for our times. Ron and Sue have been working out how to farm using natural processes in the Great Southern region of WA since the 1970’s.  Payneham Vale Organics,

Wildfood from the Rangelands – Episode 18 -Black and White and Organic
October 02, 2018

What does a meeting between Aboriginal and colonial descendants in Midland, Perth have to do with the state of Organic farming in WA and Australia? Listen – and all will become clear.

Wildfood from the Rangelands – Episode 17 -The Kojonup Factor
June 13, 2018

A tale of opportunity lost and potential opportunity recognised, in a corner of the wheatbelt.

Wildfood from the Rangelands – Episode 16 – The BS
June 03, 2018

The BS – Podcast 15 – In which Amanda reflects on the way language is adapting to reflect the changing landscape of health and wellbeing thinking and practices.

Wildfood from the Rangelands – Episode 15 – Measuring the Immeasurable
May 24, 2018

From Geraldton heading south-east to Buntine and Dandaragon where two different farmers help expand Amanda’s understanding of the nuances involved in working with the land – the stuff that the human mind, for all its complexity and cleverness – has tro...

Wildfood from the Rangelands – Episode 13
April 27, 2018

Writing in the third person – which enables her to avoid saying ‘I’ ‘and loosens the storytelling  – Amanda takes a break from agricultural matters to talk about a period in her life where she sheds a carapace and travels a different road .

Wildfood from the Rangelands – Episode 12
April 16, 2018

Amanda talks to more WA based regenerative agriculture champions, meets a NZ soil expert and draws strong parallels between agriculture and medicine as she engages with a health modality called BodyTalk.   ‘Morag’s Sketch’

Wildfood from the Rangelands – Episode 07
January 17, 2018

Amanda takes a look at the catastrophic consequences for farmers and animals of the 2011 incident that led to the shutdown of the live animal trade. Along the way she takes a swipe at moralising Vegans while examining the role that Animal Liberationist...