Wilde About Woo

Wilde About Woo

Who Are You? A 5 step process to find out your personal core values and ethics

August 21, 2020

In the last podcast episode, we talked about what values mean to us, and how we (and others) are able to shape our own personal values.  We talked about the importance of being conscious of what personal core values we are developing, so in this episode, I'm sharing an easy process to find out what your values are right now. By questioning how you show up in significant moments in your life, both good and bad, you'll be able to determine what your are. In my experience, I found that "care for others," "reliability" and a "sense of community" came from the fulfilling activity of making scrubs for healthcare workers. I was then able to see these cropping up elsewhere in my life (e.g. making this podcast), and realised that these are values that are deeply embedded within me.  Having a list of the values my moral code seems to consist of was incredibly helpful. It allowed me to think about which values I want to exploit more, and which might be ones I'd like to remove (because - spoiler alert - some of us display ethics that we have subconsciously absorbed and don't truly serve us). "Loyalty" was a value this process led me to really question. I realised that a conflict with a relative was so painful to me because I'm incredibly loyal. If I only looked at the way that value showed up in that event, I'd probably have wanted to leave it behind because it was incredibly painful.  The process, though, of examining these values more closely led me to be able to analyse other places that my loyalty shows up: for example, I'm a friend, who will check in on people regularly, and continuously stand beside them in whatever they face. That's not painful, that's fulfilling - a reason to keep and use my loyalty even more!  I also came to realise something else important about my personal core values: they also dictate what I'm passion about, and help me to define what activities are in alignment with who I am.     Honorable Mentions (if you can't access these links, try using the Apple Podcasts or Overcast apps) Workbook on Self-Talk- FREE!   Workbook on Building Rituals - FREE! Instagram: @wildeaboutwellbeing Pinterest: @wildeaboutwellbeing Wilde About Wellbeing website