Wilde About Woo

Wilde About Woo

Taking Responsibility for Growth - How Self Blame Keeps Us Stuck

July 23, 2020

I've let myself DWELL on all sorts of things in the past, either [usually, in my case] believing I was totally to blame for something, or seething with resentment that I had been wronged. The reality is that most events sat appropriately in neither of those camps. But that doesn't matter - in today's episode, I'm sharing how it DOESN'T MATTER who is to blame for an event! What matters is taking responsibility for YOUR [re]actions... If you're anything like me, I can replay events for YEARS afterwards - and what good does that serve? I go deeper down the spiral of feeling impotent / self-blaming / angry. The only person I'm punishing? Myself. Anyone else involved will likely have long forgotten what happened.  I've been reading an excellent book on this - Kain Ramsay's 'Responsibility Rebellion' - and it's made me think A LOT about how we all shun responsibility sometimes...  Today's podcast will enlighten you as to why it SUCKS to always be stuck in a position of refusing to take responsibility, and I show you how just by changing up our language, we can go from self blame to responsibility! Look out for the next episode, where I'll be sharing my APING five step method for moving into a place of neutrality about situations in your past... and using those situations to propel you forward with responsible action!   Honorable Mentions (if you can't access these links, try using the Apple Podcasts or Overcast apps) Kain Ramsay - Responsibility Rebellion: An Unconventional Approach to Personal Empowerment   Workbook on Self-Talk- FREE!   Workbook on Building Rituals - FREE! Instagram: @wildeaboutwellbeing Pinterest: @wildeaboutwellbeing Wilde About Wellbeing website