Wilde About Woo

Wilde About Woo

Holiday Hitches - how the 10am Pina Colada, body image, over-ambitious itineraries, plane food, and so on can be OVERCOME for an awesome Summer vacation!

July 22, 2019

I love a summer holiday... BUT... that's only if I put in place certain strategies before I go, and whilst I'm there.  In this episode, I share my top ideas for making summer holidays more manageable, no matter whether you're having a staycation, or travelling across the world!   0-2: Introductions 2-5: NEVER assume you know what type of holiday everyone in your party wants! How my husband and I FINALLY got clear on what type of holiday works best for BOTH of us. 5-13: What are you going to do once you get there? How to manage your expectations! How to balance planned vs spontaneous activities.   13-15: Handling airports! My top tip for managing that boredom in the departures lounge? Buy yourself a treat BEFORE you get to the airport! 15-18: Fear of flying? Do something about it before you fly... OR... don't push yourself to conquer that right now! 18-20: Eating and drinking on the aeroplane - advice for ordering in advance, or taking your own. 20-22: Entertainment on the plane... take plenty of your own stuff... Do you really want to invest in inflight internet?  23-25: Managing stressors when you're away. How to control the timing of work and other 'must dos' whilst you're on holiday. 25-27: Quote of the episode. 27-30: Managing body image issues - how to cope with a bikini on the beach.  30-35: How to cope with the excess of food, while you're on vacation. Think about self-catering, eating lightly at lunch, and other advice for making it as healthy as possible.  35-39: The early morning cocktail is not the best way to start your day! Managing alcohol while on holiday to make sure you enjoy the holiday hangover-free. 39-43: Getting time away from each other, and avoiding getting fed up with the closeness of family time while you're on holiday! 43-45: The benefits of holidays for reducing stress, increasing relaxation, and so on. 45-47: Photos and memory journals are vital for us to keep remembering the post-holiday feelings. 47-50: Conclusions.   Quote of the Episode: "Vacation flips your world upside down, if you're in a new place without your normal rituals. That's the POINT. You are forced outside of your comfort zone and norms, so that you can find your way. That's where intuition is found... when you get lost." Sophie Jaffe   Honorable Mentions (if you can't access these links, try using the Apple Podcasts or Overcast apps) Philosophie Superfoods   Workbook on Self-Talk - FREE!    Workbook on Building Rituals - FREE! Instagram: @wildeaboutwellbeing Pinterest: @wildeaboutwellbeing Wilde About Wellbeing website