Wilde About Woo

Wilde About Woo

Are you INVESTING in those baked beans or just BUYING them? The top questions I ask myself before I make an investment - and my view on the importance of investing time, self-love and money in yourself

July 01, 2019

In today's podcast, we discuss how you need to INVEST IN YOURSELF TO IMPROVE YOURSELF. I want you to realise that investment isn't only about money - it's also about time, self-love, energy that you give to yourself! Meanwhile, I share with you the questions I ask myself before any investment, and why I need to be more objective with myself sometimes! We also address the protests you're BOUND to have, when thinking about this area of your life - I know, I've been there!! Just remember: whatever the investment, you are worth it.   0-3: Introduction 3-7: Defining 'buying' versus 'investing', where money is concerned. 7-11: How rituals can be enhanced by certain investments - the (albeit bizarre!) baked beans example. 11-12: What shapes our money mindset, and how we are effected in later life by early experiences and attitudes towards saving / spending. 12-13: Is money abundance about energy? 13-14: Investment can mean things other than money!!  14-17: Why we need to learn objectivity, if we are going to have a healthy mindset around money. 17-21: Defining 'abundance' and 'scarcity' in terms of our money mindset, and how we might rethink our language. 21-30: The current obsession: SAVING! But what are the true benefits of that money you save? 31-33: The Protests to Why You're Not Investing!! And how we can tackle every one of them! How we can analyse ourselves into the realisation that sometimes investment is a necessity! 33-45: The questions I ask myself before any investment. 45-50: Two examples from my own life, where thinking long-term has worked for me in terms of investment!   50-51: Conclusions.         Honorable Mentions IGNTD Heroes recovery program   Workbook on Building Rituals - FREE! FREE guide to my TOP TEN motivational tips for a better life   Instagram: @wildeaboutwellbeing Pinterest: @wildeaboutwellbeing Wilde About Wellbeing website