Wild & Free: A Battle Born Podcast

Wild & Free: A Battle Born Podcast

Episode 4: Steve Wynn's Balls

April 06, 2018

Wild and Free: A Battle Born podcast is a podcast that serves as a platform for non-profit professionals, social justice activists and community driven artists that are trying to make a difference in the Southern Nevada community. We will talk about the issues that matter and will motivate our fellow community members to get involved.

This episode was going to be called "The One with the Lawyers" but since that could describe half of our episodes, we decided against it. Two of our favorite local folks, who happen to be lawyers, join Alison and Jacob for a conversation that spent a lot of time on the "#metoo" movement and how victims are treated in those circumstances this talk leads into a short discussion on dating in this environment. We also engage our guests, Sarah Perez and Enrique Acuña, in talk about local food and politics.