The Spiral Dance with Hawthorne

The Spiral Dance with Hawthorne

February; Fire and Ice

February 04, 2025

They say that February was made the shortest month because everybody wants it to be OVER WITH on the first day.

February is one of the most primordial months. It's all about extremes. And, like the sabbat Imbolc, it's just as much about Fire as it is about Ice.  

Fire and Ice are the Primordial elements that, in the Norse Tradition that formed to create our world. So this is a good time to think a bit about the Nordic Tradition; just what is and what it means.

The Heathens tell us that Polarities set up from Fire and Ice started Polarities in other realms of reality - even men and women. We'll talk more about that.

And we'll also talk more about Modern Heathenry and the Nine Noble Virtues

And just for the heck of it we'll listen in as Snow White and Elsa have a rap battle!

Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!