The Spiral Dance with Hawthorne

The Spiral Dance with Hawthorne

The Human Tribe

November 25, 2024

I want to wish everyone here in the US a Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is in a way a time when our various Tribes gather together. Whether it's blook relatives, or a Tribe by Choice, we travel from whereever we're living to whereever our larger family is - it may be over hundreds of miles, or just across town. But it's a time for us to renew our relationships with those who have been in our lives from the very beginning.

So, what is a TRIBE? Anthropologists don't really have answers, but they have alot of theories, and of course, lots of papers written about those theories.

This week, let's take a look at some of those theories, and see if we could come to a better understanding of how humans organized themselves in earlier times, and how some humans organize themselves even today.

And, are we STILL tribal? Some say Yes, and some say that that may be our saving grace in the long run!

Be well Do good. Enjoy the show!