The Spiral Dance with Hawthorne

The Spiral Dance with Hawthorne

September; Why 7 is 9

September 09, 2024

This week on The Spiral Dance, let's give a welcome to the month of September, the Ninth month of the year!

Of course the main feature of September is the Equinox, which is coming up in a couple of weeks. And we'll have our Mabon show at that time.

Meanwhile, let's talk about the Roman festival which was known as the Ludi Romani, which occured in September.

And I also want to talk about the Roman Goddess, Pomona. Pomona was the Roman goddess of orchards and fruit trees, and thus She is closely associated with Apples. Now her traditional Feast Day is August 13th. But for most of us, here in North America, and I think in Britain as well, apples do begin to become available toward late August, but September is really their month. So I want to take some time to honor Pomona this week.


Also in ancient Egypt the Fast Day of Thoth occured during this month, so we'll talk a bit about the God, Thoth.

And finally - Acorns and Oak. That's kind of a Lammas-thing, but it's also a September/late summer-type thing as well. So, for September, lets also honor the Acorn and Oak.

Also, I have a YouTube video on Thor: The Norse God of Thunder. What's up with that hammer, anyway?

And, yes, I will explain why 7 is 9.

Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!