The Spiral Dance with Hawthorne

The Spiral Dance with Hawthorne

Celebrating Eostara

March 18, 2024

This week on The Spiral Dance we celebrate Eostara; The Spring Equinox

Astronomically, the Equinox occurs on Wed, Mar 20 3:06AM, UTC. That makes it 11:06PM TUESDAY here on the east coast of the US, and earlier Tuesday evening farther west. So, Estara is either Tuesday or Wednesday depending on where in the world you are. The good news is that for nearly all of us, when we wake up on Wednesday it will be Spring! We'll be talking about the history of Spring Equinox - the role that it has played in cultures down the ages:

So, we'll talk about the Norse Goddess Eoster. Is she a bonefide Goddess, or just a fiction created by one author?  Does it matter, really?

Plus ya can't talk about this time of the year without mentioning Rabbits & Eggs; and, of course, the Balance of Light and Dark.

The Spring Equinox marks the point in the solar year when day and night are of equal duration, and the daytime once again becomes longer than night.

In Pagan mythology it marks the time when The God, who was reborn at the Winter Solstice, is now coming into young adulthood and is - awakening to his sexuality.

Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!