The Spiral Dance with Hawthorne

The Spiral Dance with Hawthorne

Thinking About Deism

February 26, 2024

Deism as an encompassing thought and philosophy had a major influence over those we in American call our Founding Fathers. Thus the shape of our Constitution is very much a product of Deism.

But what's the connection between Deism and Paganism? Well, in the Eighteenth Century many Deists spoke of a Creator God, or The God of Nature. They connected to the Devine through Rational Thought Processes, and by connecting with Nature.

Clearly the Deists of 1775 would scoff at the Pagans of today. But we at least have Nature in common.

So let's take some time to learn about Deism, and maybe derive inspiration from Deistic Quotes

Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!