The Spiral Dance with Hawthorne

The Spiral Dance with Hawthorne

Reincarnation: Where Ya Been? Where Ya Goin'?

November 06, 2023

Some believe, some don't. Some say that know if for a fact, that they've experienced their past lives.

I don't make such claims myself, although I've experienced things that have given me pause for thought.

So I've got a poem on Reincarnation from the pen of Aleister Crowley. And I've got some info on how why and where the concept of Reincarnation developed.

We think of Reincarnation as an Eastern philosophy. But it can be found here in the West before the followers of the Abrahamic god decided to dictate reality to us.  Nonetheless, I want to pay homage to some Eastern belief systems which have worked th concept out rather well.

Then we'll come back to the West, in the 19th and 20th centuries when Reincarnation started to retake it's hold in this part of the world. 

And finally, some quotes from famous folk about Reincarnation.

Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!