Why Are People Into That?!

Why Are People Into That?!

30: Cooper Beckett: Swinging

October 13, 2015

Cooper Beckett has a media empire devoted to swinging – a form of non-monogamy in which couples play with other couples – and has devoted extensive blogging, podcasting, and now a book to the subject. So what is it about swinging as a kind of sexual adventure that is such a turn-on?
DISCUSSED: The difference between polyamory and swinging / A case for choosing swinging over cheating / Why the swinging community is welcoming to bi women more than bi men / Beyond “The Ice Storm” and key parties

Cooper Beckett is the creator of “Life on the Swingset,” a website and podcast by and for the sexually open, and author of the semi-memoir My Life on the Swingset: Adventures in Swinging and Polyamory. In addition to writing for the site and hosting the weekly podcast about sexuality and non-monogamy, he travels the globe throwing play parties and teaching classes to help people open themselves up and color outside the lines of their sexuality.