You Are Good

You Are Good

George of the Jungle w. Sarah Hubbard and Carolyn Kendrick

August 03, 2022

Watch out for that tree! Sarah and Carolyn discuss the big, sweet sweetie that is Brendan Fraser's George of the Jungle with our favorite theremin-playing violinist Sarah Hubbard.

You can find Sarah Hubbard here.

You Are Good is a feelings podcast about movies.

The episode was sponsored by Knack Factory and Come As You Are! Come As You Are is the world's only worker-co-op sex shop! Folks can get 20% off their first order with coupon code YOUAREGOOD.

Multitude handles our ad sales!

You can find us on TwitterInstagramPatreon and Apple Plus.

Racism and stereotypes: how the Tarzan dynamic still infiltrates cinema by Tony Warner

The Music of You Are Good, Vol. 1 is here. T-shirts are here.

We made a playlist inspired by this episode!

You can find producer and music director Carolyn Kendrick's music here. She's also on Twitter.

Miranda Zickler edited this episode!

Fresh Lesh produces the beats for our episodes.

Liz Climo designed our logo!