Who Back When | A Doctor Who Podcast

Who Back When | A Doctor Who Podcast

N137 Extremis

June 20, 2021

Doc joins the world’s most depressing bookclub, and where are these scientists getting their dynamite?!

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Doc is being given a tour of Middle Earth, sorry, the Fatality Index’s latest in termination tech, an orgy of overkill which even a Time Lord’s peskily persistent cells can’t regenerate around. Right on cue, Missy is brought out for the execution, but whose two hearts and three brainstems are in for the shock of their many lives?

Seems unlikely it’s the Doc, because in the present day when he’s not haunting the Vault in the dark, opening just any old enigmatic spam emails sent to his specs and downloading their attachments willy-nilly, he appears to be lurking in his favourite unlit lecture theatre like it’s the most natural thing in the world.
But some Top Trumps cardinals and Il Papa himself have a freshly translated heretical text for Doc’s eyes only that they’re all too terrified to read: the Veritas! Restored to comprehensibility at the expense of all who receive its soul-destroying message. Is the Doctor’s sequence of randomly generated numbers finally up?

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