Who Back When | A Doctor Who Podcast

Who Back When | A Doctor Who Podcast

N104 The Time of The Doctor – The 2013 Christmas Special

November 03, 2019

Eleven returns for a last hurrah replete with wooden Cybermen and naked Twister before his inevitable regeneration

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The entire Whoniverse of belligerents is once again on tour, this time parked around a planet transmitting a cipher beam and being shielded by the Church of the Papal Mainframe, an organisation with absolutely nothing to hide and absolutely no clothes to hide it with.

Doc is also in orbit, being plopped in and out of various starships by Handles, a Cyber-knockoff from the market at Maldovar, merrily mentioning Terileptils and Slitheen with zero intention of bringing them back on screen.

Meanwhile, Clara's overslept past lunchtime on Christmas Day and is trying to entertain what's left of her miserable, broken family with promises of an oncoming gawky boyfriend until the turkey warms up.

Exactly who is sending this indecipherable cipher, and to whom? What can't Doc tell Clara about his dealings with the Space Pope? And how many changes of Doctors does it take for the Time Lords to have a lightbulb moment?
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