Who Back When | A Doctor Who Podcast

Who Back When | A Doctor Who Podcast

N054 The Stolen Earth

April 30, 2017

Companions and spin-offs collide when Davros and his new race of Daleks transport the Earth far across the universe

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The Daleks, commanded by The Supreme Dalek and Davros himself, and guided by the precog ramblings of Dalek Caan, have nabbed The Earth from under The Doctor's nose and transported it far across the universe, along with myriad other planets and the lost moon of Poosh.

But fret not. With the aid of a stethoscope, and no help at all from The Shadow Proclamation, the Doctor finds our blue planet and must now team up with not one, not two, but every last one of his companions and spin-offs.

Appearing in this episode are companions Sarah Jane Smith (with her son/artificial human, Luke Smith), Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, Donna Noble and Wilfred Mott, and Captain Jack Harkness, and Gwen and Ianto from Torchwood, and U.N.I.T. and Harriet Jones (former Prime Minister).

And while Earth loses its shit, Dalek Caan is having freaky apocalyptic premonitions about the most faithful companion's destiny of everlasting darkness and, oh, look, there's Rose!

Listen to our review now!

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