Who Back When | A Doctor Who Podcast

Who Back When | A Doctor Who Podcast

C036 The Evil of The Daleks

February 13, 2016

A Karl Marx lookalike delivers spiffing technobabble while time travel goes straight down the drain in this senseless yet hugely compelling serial.

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Ok, I'm going to bullet point this serial's blurb, because the plot of Evil of The Daleks makes so little sense to me, it actually hurts a little:

• Two Victorian gentlemen, (father of future companion, Victoria) Edward Waterfield and (Karl Marx lookalike) Theodore Maxtible, invent time travel, but are promptly intercepted by already time travelling Daleks who subsequently render their invention pointless.
• The Daleks force them to travel forward in time, most likely using Dalek technology rather than their own, to the 1960s where one of them is to open an antiques store specialising in Victoriana, which must have taken ages to establish on the market and also serves no point in the plot.
• In 1967 the Daleks then force Waterfield to steal the TARDIS from Gatwick Airport, but how did the Daleks know it – or indeed The Doctor and Jamie – would be there at that time?
• Anyway, the TARDIS is of no consequence, because their plan is to use it to lure Doc and Jamie into a trap, take them back to Victorian England, and there force them to perform an experiment on their behalf that could probably have been done (a) without their involvement and (b) makes no sense on its own either.

So that's the basic gist of this serial. That being said, man, oh, man, I sort of liked it nonetheless. Plot logic goes straight out the window in this one, but there's time travel and great technobabble and the first appearance of the Dalek Emperor, not to mention of future companion Victoria Waterfield as well! What's not to like? Well, quite a lot, I suppose, and you'll have to listen to this podcast episode for the juicy details.

Go to WhoBackWhen.com/c036-the-evil-of-the-daleks/ for screenshots from the serial as well as of other badass appearances of Sonny Caldinez (who plays Kemel in this Doctor Who serial) across an array of legendary films. You’ll also find bonus interview videos with Colin Baker and Sonny Caldinez embedded there!

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