While You Were Folding

While You Were Folding

My Relationship With Social Media

December 04, 2022

I’ve been on a little journey with social media, and I did a little deep dive on all of that this week.  I went through my history with joining Facebook, starting my blog in early motherhood, becoming an online contributor CatholicMom, joining Instagram, starting the podcast, reevaluating all of it, and where I am with things lately.  Spoiler alert: I’ve kept my social media accounts for now, I deleted the apps off of my phone, I haven’t posted in about two months, and I’m a much happier, less foggy-brained lady!

I love having a creative outlet, I don’t love social media, and I want to figure out how to keep connecting in a real, organic way with all of you wonderful listeners.  Can you please help me by sending feedback to my questions below?

Join the conversation!

  • How’s your relationship with social media lately?  Have you made any adjustments recently?  How do you navigate all of that?
  • I love our podcast community, and I’d love to see the engagement increase without doing it on social media.  I’d love your input on that front!
    • How do you like to receive information–social media, newsletters, websites, etc.?
    • How would you be most likely to reach out to me?
    • Do you have any interest in connecting with other listeners, or are you content to be on your own listener island?
    • Do you participate in any other online communities that fill your bucket without being on social media?  Can you share about them?

Get in touch!

E-mail: podcastATcatherineboucherDOTcom or

My Favorite: E-mail me an audio file as an attachment (podcastATcatherineboucherDOTcom) or send a voicemail on Voxer, the free walkie talkie app, so that I can feature your voice on a future episode!  (I’m “catherineboucher” on there.)

If you liked the show, please tell a friend!  Our community grows best through word of mouth from superfan listeners!

For bonus points, leave a positive rating and a review!  That will help the show to get in front of as many listeners as possible.  Here’s how to leave a rating or a review for a podcast.

Until next time, be sure to share what you heard While You Were Folding!